Welcome to the #1 Life Coach Training Academy in South Africa. Become an Accredited, Certified, Successful Life Coach, with a Coaching Business, by Studying with Us.

Online or In-Class Life Coaching Courses

Short Summary of our Life Coaching Course

  • Get Multi-Faceted Certification: Aquire diverse Internationally Accredited Certifications as a Life Coach, Life Transformation Coach, Negative Emotional Therapy™ Practitioner, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner, all in one comprehensive Life Coaching Course
  • Discover a Coaching System that is Proven, Easy to Master, and provides Practical step-by-step guidance to achieve fast and lasting results for yourself and your clients.
  • Discover effective coaching therapies, techniques, and methods to eliminate unconscious ‘Hidden Success Barriers’. These powerful, pioneering practices can Uproot deeply ingrained Obstacles that Hinder individuals from realising their Full Potential and living a Limitless Life.
  • We offer consistent coaching support from the beginning of your certification journey to the end. Once you are certified, we provide ongoing support to coach, inspire, and empower you in building your successful international coaching business.
  • Receive step-by-step guidance & mentoring on setting up your coaching business step-by-step. Gain the necessary skills, mindset, and strategies to transition from an employee to a successful entrepreneurial coach.
  • Discover the step-by-step process of Signing Up New Clients with our unique Client Signup System™, Perfected over 13 Years as Practicing Coaches.
  • Marketing Courses on all the Major Platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads, YouTube, Twitter, Webinars & Email) on How and Where to Find New Clients
  • The Course can be done Online or In-Class. Access on any Device, anywhere in the World
  • Add on Bonus – Discover How to Conduct Virtual Coaching in the Modern World – Coach Clients from Anywhere around the Globe with Our Distinctive Coaching System.
  • Enrol Anytime and Study at your Own Pace
  • You receive all the benefits mentioned above and additional features in a single course, providing exceptional value for your money.

Fill in your Name & Email Address to Get Started with our Transformational Life Coaching Info-Pack!

The Transformation Life Coaching Training Course is a Powerful Combination of various Life Coaching Methodologies, Transformation Coaching Techniques & Therapies, Neuro-Science, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Advanced Positive Psychology, Success Mind Set Strategies, Advanced Communication Skills, and much more… All Combined Into One Extraordinary Coaching Course.

Life Coaching Courses in South Africa, Life Coach Courses South Africa, Life Coaching Training South Africa

It is essential to be aware that NOT all Life Coaching Courses are the same. Many courses will dump a bunch of information on their student, thinking that this will help the person become a successful Coach that can create results for their clients. However, this is far from the truth in our experience of over 10 years in the coaching industry.

Let’s take a look at the profession of being a “Life Coach”. As a Life Coach, you are saying to your client that you will help them master their life if they hire you as their coach. Now, to be able to do that, you should have mastered your own life first and live your life congruently
(meaning, you practice what you preach).

I (Burk) and my wife Isobel Esterhuyse (Owners and Trainers of Transformation Coaching Academy™) made it our mission and purpose to help every single person attending our Transformation Life Coaching Course,
to become masters of their own life first while training you to become a successful Transformation Coach & Life Coach at the same time. We accomplish this by helping you to get rid of your mental baggage, emotional baggage and your limiting/negative belief systems that are unconsciously sabotaging your life at the moment.

Our Mission Statement:

“We Coach, Educate, Raise Consciousness, Empower and Transform People’s Lives so that they can be Equipped to become Successful and Happy in their Careers, Personal Lives, Relationships, Family, Health and Finances!”

Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person.

We Educate, Inspire and Equip passionate people like you with our Revolutionary Transformation Coaching System™. This easy to Learn & Apply Practical Step-By-Step Coaching System consists of Advanced Transformation Coaching Therapies & Techniques that Uproot all the unwanted, negative, limiting & sabotaging mental baggage, emotional baggage, traumas, and beliefs holding a person back. It then follows up with powerful reprogramming techniques that install a brand-new empowering Self-Image, greater Self-Confidence and new Successful Beliefs, Strategies, Thought Patterns, Behaviour and Habits.

Learning all of this and so much more empowers our Transformation Coaches to really go out there and make a Big Difference in the World while enjoying the Freedom of having their own Successful Coaching Business.

Choosing to become a Leader in helping other people means that we as Transformation Coaches must be a ‘Good Example’ to others!

The Transformation Coaching System™ Is A
Easy To Learn & Apply Step-By-Step Practical Coaching System That Empowers The New Coach To Create
Extraordinary Transformation & Empowerment Within The Client

This is the only course that I have been on where I leave full of so much more energy than when we started. It has certainly been a journey to wholeness for me. My trauma of 40 years was dealt with so skilfully by Burk – I will forever be grateful. Burk and Isobel have put their hearts into this program, and it shows in their professionalism and their ability to equip and empower people to become phenomenal coaches. I am privileged to have them as mentors, and I am excited about what the future has in store for me. Thank you, Burk and Isobel.

Farai Makuyana

This Is What You Really Want (Let’s Be Honest)…

First, let’s get clear on your #1 Goal:

You want to help, empower and coach other people. In doing so, you want the Best Coaching Course, that is practical and easy to learn to help you make that a reality.

Or maybe you just like to help and empower yourself.

Now, you may also want to make money, doing what you love to do…

…and perhaps even help people find their purpose, as well as help them resolve their problems and limitation that are holding them back in life.

And if you’re anything like me, you want to do ALL of this and more…

  • while making it look easy…
  • as if you were a professional…
  • faster…
  • easier…
  • and with the skill of a pro…

In our Transformation Life Coaching Course, you will gain the Education, Practical Experience, Tools and Skills as an
Internationally Certified Transformation Coach, Life Coach Negative Emotional Therapy™ Practitioner, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner. Or you might just choose to do this course for your own personal gain.”

Whatever the choice… you will get exactly what you want with hands-on practical experience!

Perhaps you already know what you really want in life, what your purpose is, and therefore you have started thinking about how you can get it?

When you are in a career that you truly dislike, you will always be unhappy because it is impossible to find joy in things you choose to dislike!

In our Transformation Coaching Academy™, we strive to help, change, empower and transform every person in the training to become happy in who they are and what they do, because that will make our Coaches, Coaches of Life…THE BEST!!

There is a reason you are looking into coaching courses, and it was not by accident. You know that there is more to life and that you have a purpose to fulfil.

I still cannot express in words the effect this transformation coaching training course had on me. I have completely transformed from a negative person who has all but given up on life, to a positive, goal orientated, powerful person and I now recognise that I am a uniquely gifted person. Somebody who wants to transform the world into the vision of our teacher and visionary, Mr Burk Esterhuyse. Thank you for a gift so precious I never expected to receive. My painful and sad memories have disappeared, and my mind is quiet, and my heart filled with hope seeing, for the first time the beauty in myself and others. You have changed my journey, and my hope and commitment are to one day make you proud of me as a coach.

Marinda Waddicor
Chartered Accountant

Are Some The Following Statements You, Or Have You Been Looking For Them?

  • You just have a passion for helping people?
  • You love to help other people Succeed in life?
  • You like to Empower other people?
  • You are inspired to help other people Discover their Purpose and Mission in life?
  • You would like to have a “Practical Easy To Follow Coaching System” to help other people at a deeper level and get more profound results? You like to Improve yourself?
  • Remove Negative & Limiting Beliefs and Install New Powerful Beliefs into your Clients Subconscious Mind.
  • You like to Get more out of Life?
  • Love to become a Mentor because people always want your help, guidance and advice.
  • You want to change your Career?
  • You want to improve your Career?
  • You are looking for tools to move yourself and your life forward?
  • You just love working with children and want the tools and skill to really help them?
  • You like to take your Psychology Practice to the next level by making a bigger impact on your patients?
  • You want to take your Counselling Career to a Deeper and more Empowering level with lasting results in your clients. Isn’t this what you always wanted before you entered this career?
  • You like to make a career out of helping other people?
  • You want to have the qualification to get financial compensation for helping other people?
  • You like to work from home and have flexible hours?
  • You are almost or already retired and would like to do something you are passionate about, with flexibility in your life, while been retired, so you never feel bored or grow old?
  • You want to let go of all your Negative Emotional Baggage and Negative/Limiting Belief Systems that are always pulling you down, so you can be the greatest version of yourself, to be able to help other people?
  • You like to Start living your Passion and Dream of becoming a Certified Transformation Coach & Life Coach?
  • You want to learn all the communication skills of Neuro-Linguistic Programming to become an excellent communicator in your personal life and coaching?
  • Your Purpose is to make a difference in the world?

Whether someone is unhappy, have a low self-esteem, feel frustrated, have anger issues, suffer from depression or just feel totally alone in this world’…they can with no doubt be transformed through our “Advanced Transformation Coaching Techniques” and Revolutionary “Transformation Coaching System ™.

We have put this Transformation Life Coaching Course together with the aim to help others and therefore offer a sense of hope, possibility, and empowerment in a world that often makes people feel small, hurt, ineffective, and helpless.

Our goal is to teach you awesome insights into this New Breakthrough Science in a way that’s Easy to Understand, Practical, and Really Interesting.

Dare To Believe That Something Inside You Is Greater Than All Your FEARS & DOUBTS!

This transformation coaching course was the best training I ever had in my life. I expected it to be good, but this was something else!!! Usually, training is a load of information, but this training was loaded with feelings and emotions. I feel now better than I have ever felt before. This is transforming lives. Not only are we feeling good but you also taught us how to install this into ourselves and into others to help people. Burk, you and Isobel inspire me so much with your love for other people!!! Thank you for your love, time and effort to changing lives. You have definitely changed me!

Chantel Bekker
Aspiring Life Coach

What Kind of Coaching Skills, Tools and Techniques Will I Get by Attending One of Your Transformation Life Coaching Course?

  • Learn great coaching skills to influence other people Positively.
  • You will learn a set of Rapport building techniques that you can use during coaching. This will assist you to get your clients to feel at ease with you, and help the client to easily open up to you, in 3 – 7 minutes after starting the coaching session. This is crucial to do, to really be able to help other people in coaching.
  • Learn to Communicate Excellently and Effectively, so you client understand you better.
  • Learn amazing coaching skills to understand people’s behaviours so that you can coach accordingly.
  • Coach your client to make powerful and positive changes in the subconscious mind with our Transformation Coaching Techniques. (NO Hypnosis is used!)
  • Learn various transformation coaching techniques and processes to help people let go of all their limitation, limiting beliefs and emotional baggage that is currently holding them back from achieving their goals and desired outcome.
  • Learn a set of coaching skills and techniques to help people let go and change their Old Outdated Paradigm of the World into a more Resourceful and Empowering Paradigm. All of this is done at the Conscious level as well as at the Subconscious level.
  • You will learn a great transformation coaching technique to help people change their unwanted and destructive habits/behaviours into a new positive habit/behaviour.
  • You will learn a very powerful technique called Inner Conflict Therapy ™ to resolving the Inner Conflict (in-congruency, your mental tug of war going on in your mind) in your client that is stopping them to live the life they desire.
  • Learn the Art of asking Excellent Questions to get to the Root Causes of the client’s problem.
  • Learn a powerful transformation coaching technique called Bang Pattern™ to re-program someone’s Self-Image at the Subconscious Level, into an empowered great looking brand new Self-Image.
  • Learn an amazing coaching technique to Increase someone’s Self-Confidence overall, and in areas where they have very little or none.
  • You will learn a quick and powerful transformation coaching technique called Negative Belief Therapy ™ to delete Negative Beliefs like “I am not good enough,” “I am unworthy,” “I am not deserving”, “I am worthless” which totally destroy peoples life’s, and stops them from becoming the person they are meant to be.
  • Learn how to help people to let go of all their Negative Emotional Baggage with the powerful Negative Emotional Therapy ™.
  • Learn an advanced transformation coaching technique called Sub-Coding to help to love oneself unconditionally.
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming which is also incorporated into our transformation coaching course gives you the manual to how your mind works, and how to effectively communicate with other people and yourself.

For more Information on what Neuro-Linguistic Programming is and what it can do for you, click this link: What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming

This is just a short description of some of the coaching skills, techniques, knowledge and tools that you will learn and gain from our Transformation Life Coaching Course. For a more detailed description,
Click on the “Course & Coaching Structure” link below or go to our Course Structure Tab in the menu once you have finished reading this page: Course & Coaching Structure Page

This is a very unique coach training course. Actually, it is the only Transformation Life Coaching Course of its kind, because we have been there as life coaches, and we totally understand how frustrating it is, to feel unable to move forward into your purpose of helping other people.

We have more than just the “Pedigree Status”, which does not mean that much to us anyway. Years of practical experience in coaching, with knowledge, wisdom, insight and creativity to think outside the box of general life coaching, is what counts.

Our journey in coaching started over 10 years ago, and so far we have trained and transformed the lives of over 1000 coaches. The success of our results speaks for themselves in all our testimonials on the website.

We choose to learn from people that walk the talk and have the success story of where they’ve been to where they are now and what they have accomplished.

My deepest gratitude to Burk and Isobel for all your arrangements to make this transformation coaching course a reality, and to Burk for escaping the tomato fields and dedicating his energy to creating this amazingly unique and life-changing material which includes the teachings, the learnings, the theory, the techniques, bonus material, not to mention the practical sharing of Knowledge and life experience in the field of coaching.

As for me personally: I am driving away here as a person with a greatly expanded view of the mind and the power of especially the sub-conscious. I feel invigorated, energised, powerful and able to move out of previous constraints and to tackle new challenges.

As a coach now: I have been trained and equipped by someone who is truly and passionately dedicated to this field of expertise.

As a team: Burke and Isobel are phenomenal and your life changing transformation coaching genuinely has altered my life for the better.

As a pastor: These teachings will equip me to assist people in our congregation and way beyond. I have the full intention to build a career on this. You are truly blessed. May your blessings continue to change lives and fulfil yours.

Cindy Balanco
Account Manager and Pastor

Our Transformation Life Coach Training Academy gives you more than any other training institute in the world, because our foundation of Transformation & Empowerment is in the Powerful Combination of a variety of Coaching Methodology’s, Neuro-Science, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Success Mind Set Strategies and the most Advanced Positive Psychology.

Included with all this amazing training to becoming a transformation coach and life coach, as a bonus, we give you a whole business & marketing plan training on videos, that you can watch over and over. These video training will empower you to set up your coaching business quickly at the lowest cost possible, and it comes with additional bonus courses to help you learn how to market yourself, as a Transformation Coach & Life Coach using various methods of marketing.

Include with all the above; I will teach you how to sign up a client in a free consultation session, without feeling that you are selling the person, while at the same time the potential client feels that they are getting great value from the free consulting session. (This is a secret strategy, that took me many years to master, and I only teach this to our transformation coaches on video.)

Now to run a successful coaching business, you are going to need coaching documentation and some legal documents. Included in the price of the course, we will give you all the coaching documents that you will need. From intake forms, disclaimers & agreements to all coaching documents that you will use in your coaching sessions.

Additionally, to all of this, there are even more bonuses. (To get more details about all these bonuses, fill in the contact form at the bottom of this page.) From all these bonuses, the
most valuable bonus of them all is “live virtual monthly coaching calls” with me that are recorded and placed in a membership area to which you will have access.

In these live virtual coaching calls, I will teach you even more advanced coaching skills, more about running a successful transformation coaching business, and more advanced marketing skills. At the end of each coaching call, you will have the chance to ask me any question related to coaching clients, setting up your coaching business or running your business. (P.S. There is no one else in this training industry, that will give you a unique training and business package like this, at such an affordable price, that have an international accreditation.)

Internationally Accredited Transformation Life Coaching Training Course

With our International Accredited Transformation Life Coaching Courses, accredited with the International Coaches Register and The Association For Neuro Linguistic Programming, you can now successfully empower and transform yourself and other people.

Become an Internationally Certified Transformation Coach, Life Coach, Negative Emotional Therapy™ Practitioner and Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner all in one course and learn how to use your full potential in achieving all your goals and achieve a sense of Purpose & Inner Happiness from within.

At our revolutionary and powerful Transformation Coaching Academy ™, we equip people to start living their purpose, dream and destiny of helping other people and yourself!

P.S. You are welcome to see the Profile of the Academy when you Click on each Logo below.

After Completing Our Transformation Life Coach Training Course, You Will Be Certified With The Following Certifications

Life Transformation Coach

Life Coach

Negative Emotional Therapy™ Practitioner

Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner

Take the Courage Now and find out exactly how easy & affordable it is to Become a Certified Internationally Accredited Transformation Coach, Life Coach, Negative Emotional Therapy™ Practitioner, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner Today!

We deliver powerful coaching skills and transformation, or you get your money back, guaranteed… This is for every single person joining our Academy. We have One Aim and One Mission, and for that, we need more passionate people like yourself to make it a reality, and that is, Transforming & Empowering Lives!!!

Don’t take our word for it. Read and look at what some of our coaches had to say in their testimonials about our Transformational Coaching Training Course below the Submission/Inquiring Form. For much more testimonials and handwritten testimonials, click the Testimonial Tab in the Menu bar on Top or, Click Here